Arndís Ósk Arnalds
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Pullover
Peysan Gnúpur er hönnuð sérstaklega fyrir samprjón Garnbúðar Eddu sem fer af stað þann 8.júlí 2023. Samprjónið ber nafnið Jól í júlí og byrjar með risa uppfitji partýi í Hjarta Hafnarfjarðar í samstarfi við Bæjarbíó og Tilveruna veitintastað.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
‘Lóan er komin’, or ‘Loa is here’ in English, is an old Icelandic folk song about the arrival of spring. I designed a cardigan for my wee cousin Lóa. The idea for this pattern is a shawl for the mother of the little one.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Hvað ef? er sameiginlegt verkefni okkar Eddu í Garnbúð Eddu. Ég fékk hugmyndina af sjalinu þegar ég var á tónleikum með GDRN og því heitir sjalið “Hvað ef” sem er einmitt eitt af uppáhalds lögum mínum með henni. Hægt er að velja um tvær gerðir annarsvegar sjal og hinsvegar trefil.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
“Fyrir mömmu” or “for mother” is a very simple top-down triangular shawl, perfect for those two beautiful contrasting skeins that have been lying in your stash waiting to be featured.

Knitting: Cardigan
Baby Njála is inspired by the shawl Njála. The idea is to have a shawl and baby sweater as a gift combo for a new parent.

Knitting: Pullover
The sweater is worked from the bottom up with a simple slip stitch pattern for a little pop. It is finished with a simple saddle sleeve and a raised back neck.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This top down shawl was designed for Reykjavík´s second ever yarn crawl. With specially hand dyed yarn from Goosey Fibres, colours inspired from my favourite Icelandic Saga Njála which every Icelander reads in school. It´s very brutal even by Viking saga standards.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Do you have a large stash of beautiful mini skeins or leftover yarns that you don´t know what to do with? Then this is the shawl for you if you’re looking for fun contrasts or that perfect fade!

Knitting: Dress
The pattern is worked from the bottom up. The sleeves and body are knit separately, joined, and then the yoke is worked over regular decreases. The yoke and trim are embellished with a two-color slip stitch pattern with simple cables.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The shawl is worked from the top down with a simple two-colour slip stitch pattern that uses only one colour per row for a quicker knit. Shown in the fluffy and light Phildar Soft + and edged with Brooklyn Tweed Loft for some weight. A perfect project to go stash diving for.