Amanda Berry

Amanda Berry

My name is Amanda Berry and I design toy knitting patterns stuffed with fluff, fuzz and fun! All knitting patterns are my own designs.

I am a regular contributor to Simply Knitting magazine and other publications including Knit Now and Your Crochet & Knitting.

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original designs

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Cottage Case
fluff & fuzz
Milkshake the Cow
fluff & fuzz
Quacky Duck
fluff & fuzz
Teddy Bear
fluff & fuzz
Polar Bear
fluff & fuzz
Tabby Cat
fluff & fuzz
fluff & fuzz
Tickles the Tiger
fluff & fuzz
Linus the Elephant
fluff & fuzz
Beeper the Robot
fluff & fuzz
Allsorts the Owl
fluff & fuzz
Alien Adventure
fluff & fuzz
Big Breakfast
fluff & fuzz
Barney Owl
fluff & fuzz
Brompton Badger
fluff & fuzz
Christmas Tree
fluff & fuzz
fluff & fuzz
Tooley Owl
fluff & fuzz
Norwood Monkey
fluff & fuzz
fluff & fuzz
Putney Mouse
fluff & fuzz
Happy Monsters
fluff & fuzz
fluff & fuzz
Huggins the Hippo
fluff & fuzz
Loopy Sheep
fluff & fuzz
Jolly Robin
fluff & fuzz
Penny Pig
fluff & fuzz
Pudding the Cat
fluff & fuzz
Oreo Panda
fluff & fuzz
Candy Rabbit
fluff & fuzz
Topsy Turvy Turtle
fluff & fuzz
Mortimer Puppy
fluff & fuzz
Nutmeg Bear
fluff & fuzz
fluff & fuzz
Cavendish Cat
fluff & fuzz
Cricklewood Owl
fluff & fuzz
Finsbury Squirrel
fluff & fuzz
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