Hand-Painted Kid Mohair
Sugar Apple Creations
yarns > Sugar Apple Creations > Hand-Painted Kid Mohair

Hand-Painted Kid Mohair
Sugar Apple Creations

100% Kid Mohair. Please note that most 100% mohair yarns contain a core thread/yarn to hold the mohair fibers. This one has a rayon core.
Mohair is great for lace due to the halo effect.
All Sugar Apple Creations yarns are hand-painted using professional dyes. They are set with citric acid, so for those who really don’t like the remaining vinegar smell in some handpainted yarns, this is what you want. Yarns are colorfast, lightfast and washfast. You can find Sugar Apple Creations on Etsy.
About this yarn
- Page created: October 11, 2007
- Last updated: November 8, 2018 …