Bas den Braver
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Doll
Little Strelitzia Steven has an exotic temperament. He likes bright colors, sunshine and partying with his friends. Steven is a Strelitzia flower, but they also call him a Bird of Paradise. This sounds much more exotic and he kind of looks like a tropical bird, doesn’t he?

Crochet: Doll
Little Ranunculus Rona is very sweet and beautiful, but also very competitive. She turns everything into a competition and does her very best to win. Fortunately, she doesn’t mind losing either. Rona is always trying to improve herself. She tries to bloom as beautifully and as long as possible. Rona wants the whole world to enjoy her brightly c...

Crochet: Doll
Orchid Ollie is a sweet flower girl who likes to be outside. Orchids are found in tall grass and high up in trees. The big ancient trees are Ollie’s favourite. Ollie jumps from branch to branch until she finds a nice spot to stay for a while. There she sits quietly and lets her beautiful white flowers bloom. Ollie is always cheerful and blooms ...

Crochet: Doll
Little Pansy Vicky loves her family. Her flower family is very big, full of pansies and violets who live all over the world. Vicky travels a lot to visit them. If you look closely you can find pansies and violets almost everywhere. With their distinctive flower shape and their beautiful colour combinations they brighten up every corner of the w...

Crochet: Doll
Bird of Paradise Pablo always does exactly what he wants and in a way that impresses everyone over and over again. He loves to let his beautiful feathers sparkle in the sunlight and he sings his favorite songs with all his heart.

Crochet: Doll
Butterfly Valentina’s favourite colour is orange and it shows. She is a real chatterbox and likes to drink tea with her best friend Bee Betty, who always brings something tasty for tea. They chat about the latest news in the Zabbez forest until the sun goes down.

Crochet: Doll
Dragonflies Jos and Lois like to go out with their flying friends. Skimming the water surface with water elf Wes, discovering the most beautiful flowers with flower elf Evi or stunt flying with eagle Alberto. For dragonflies Jos and Lois every day is a surprise.

Crochet: Doll
Eagle Alberto is a real daredevil! With his sharp eyes and big wings he performs the craziest stunts. From loops to corkscrew manoeuvres, a daring dive or a faster than lightning ascent, nothing is too crazy for him.

Crochet: Doll
Fire Fairy Veerle is super enthusiastic and sets everyone on fire! She fervently encourages you to do what you do best. Veerle always knows how to bring out the best in others. She closes every day with a magical fireworks display to celebrate that life is so beautiful.

Crochet: Doll
Flamingo Fantasia proudly shows how beautifully pink she is. She used to be ashamed because she thought she was the dullest bird on the planet. Luckily she has learned that everyone is unique and allowed to be themselves. She is proud of how she looks and now even wears a hat and flowers in her hair.

Crochet: Doll
Flower Fairy Evi is very colourful and always cheerful. She loves flowers and wears them in her hair. Evi picks the most beautiful flowers to make bouquets for her friends. When she gives these flower bouquets, she also sings beautiful songs specific to that person and puts a smile on everyone’s face.

Crochet: Doll
Forest Elf Boaz loves the magical Zabbez forest where he can fully indulge himself. He flies, jumps and swings through the trees from branch to branch like a real acrobat. What’s rustling there? Look closely, because he is lightning fast.

Crochet: Doll
Have you ever experienced being suddenly overwhelmed with love? Then Ladybird Lola probably just flew by. With every beat of her wings she leaves a trail of hearts! Lola is a sweetheart and likes to share her love with everyone.

Crochet: Doll
Owl Ursula loves to spend hours reading books, especially if they are about magic worlds and dragons. Ursula likes to listen to heavy rock music and is happiest when putting on black make-up around her eyes. When she flies, she lets her grey feather robe flutter and imagines that she is a magician.

Crochet: Doll
Parrot Patrick has been looking for a mate for a while now. He would like to make his life even more colourful with another parrot. Can you help him find the perfect match? Or will you crochet one for him?

Crochet: Doll
Penguin Pol is the only bird in the Zabbez forest that cannot fly. He does know everything about nature and all his flying friends, that is why he likes to give all newcomers an extensive tour. Follow his top hat and you’ll never get lost!

Crochet: Doll
Stork Oliver has the best job there is! Every day he delivers babies to their parents. That is always a joy, because children are just like himself: free, curious and super cute! Who will he deliver a “package” to next?

Crochet: Doll
At night, Tooth Fairy Tina is always out and about. She visits all the sleeping children who have put a tooth under their pillow. She takes the teeth and leaves small presents in return. During the day she brushes all the teeth nice and shiny and they get a special place in her house.

Crochet: Doll
When you are walking through the flying friends forest: pay attention! Because water elf Wes likes to turn it into a water festival! He drops gigantic water drops or suddenly starts a mega water fight. Join the water party and let yourself go. Wes loves that!

Crochet: Doll
Little Thistle Tim is a friendly and playful thistle. Tim may have scary looking prickles, but he’s never pricked anyone. Above all, he is very nice and likes to make new friends. With his thick scarf and warm hat he is never cold. Tim loves going outside to play with his friends.

Crochet: Doll
Little Passionflower Paz is a naughty little flower. She likes to climb trees, walls and anything she sees. Using her curly tendrils, she grasps all she can get hold of, to climb even higher. Paz hopes that one day, she will be so high in the sky, that she can touch the sun.

Crochet: Doll
Little Carnation Cati is a very social flower. She loves to make nice conversation with everyone. In the large forest glade, she meets her flower friends for celebrations and fun. Cati then dances until the middle of the night. She hopes she will meet you there too, someday.

Crochet: Doll
Little Hyacinth Hetty wants to make the world a better place. She has many beautiful pink flowers that all bloom continuously and make the whole world smell nice. Hetty likes to care for others and help whenever she can. She has a great personality. When Hetty is around, everybody is happy.

Crochet: Doll
Little Fuchsia Fay is a bright and colourful flower girl. She loves to dress up and show off her sense of fashion. Purple and red are her favorite colours and she wants to convince the world this colour combination is the newest trend. It is timeless and trendy at the same time. Together with all her Fuchsia flower siblings Fay blooms abundantl...

Crochet: Doll
Little Holly Hilde is quite prickly and sweet at the same time. She enjoys the colder snowy days. When days get shorter and nighttime sets in sooner, she gets in the cosy festive mood. Whenever you hear choirs sing you can see her prickly leaves move with the music. Holly Hilde is a real cosy festive type.

Crochet: Doll
Four-leaf clovers Cas and Clair like to play hide and seek. They love hiding between the ordinary clover leaves and there they are very hard to find. Four-leaf clovers are very special and very rare. If you find a lucky four-leaf clover after a long search, you can make a well deserved wish. Cas and Clair make your wish come true and they bring...

Crochet: Doll
Daisies Daan and Mandy love going on adventures together. They hold each others hand and step out into the wide, wide world. Daan and Mandy often walk through the open meadows and stick their heads above the grass everywhere. Their cheerful white and yellow flowers contrast beautifully with the green grass.

Crochet: Doll
Tulips Tom and Tess are a happy couple. They like to spend time together and they have a lot of fun. Their cheerful yellow and red tulip flowers put a smile on everyone’s face. Tom likes to joke around and Tess laughs at his jokes constantly.

Crochet: Doll
Merman Mik and mermaid Mira live in the deep blue sea. Their home is a sunken ship with hidden rooms and lots of treasures. They love to play hide and seek in the wreck. When hiding they come across the most beautiful things such as jewellery, precious gemstones and shiny pieces of gold. Mik and Mira have a lot of fun and go on great adventures...

Crochet: Doll
Merman Waldo and Mermaid Wyha are a happy and colourful couple. They love the clear blue waters and their fins are flipping gracefully back and forth. Their striking bright colors glitter in the sunshine and they bring happiness and cheer wherever they go. Waldo and Wyha are inseparable and are always together.

Crochet: Doll
Shark Guus and Hammerhead Harry are the best of friends. They love constructing things together and they take on any challenge. Guus and Harry build the most beautiful coral houses, waterways and water slides. Hammerhead Harry hammers all day and Guus saws everything to size with his sharp dorsal fin. Together they can build anything!

Crochet: Doll
Sun Zuzu and Cloud Kirk are best friends. Together they take care of all the colorful flowers growing on our beautiful earth. Zuzu gives as much sunshine and warmth as she can to help them grow big and strong. Kirk provides shade and water so they are never thirsty. Zuzu and Kirk love to give and they enjoy seeing the beautiful flowers bloom.

Crochet: Doll
Anglerfish Lucas is a true storyteller. He is very old and wise and he has had many exciting adventures. When it gets dark, the fish gather around his lit lantern to listen to his stories. That’s always an exciting event. Every night Lucas tells a beautiful bedtime story before going to sleep.

Crochet: Doll
Bannerfish Wim has a long fin that he uses to steer. He is very manoeuvrable and swims at lightning speed from left to right and from top to bottom. His favorite game is tag and it’s almost impossible to get hold of him. If you don’t pay attention, Wim has already swum the other way.

Crochet: Doll
Clownfish Cora likes to make you laugh. She is a happy and funny fish and she sees the humor in everything. Cora often hides between the coral and the sea anemones to suddenly show herself and swim out laughing. With her bright orange color and little white bow, Cora is sure to put a smile on your face.

Crochet: Doll
Goldfish Gwen loves to travel. She has already seen almost the entire world and she speaks many languages. Gwen prefers to travel from freshwater pool to river to freshwater pool, but sometimes she also visits her friends in the great wide open sea. Usually she doesn’t like to go into the sea. Gwen thinks the sea is way too salty.

Crochet: Doll
Jellyfish Karl likes when the current carries him away. He loves to imagine he is a spaceship exploring new worlds. During his travels he meets the most beautiful exotic fish. Time and time again the current brings him to new places to discover.

Crochet: Doll
King of the Sea Zaran is a strong and wise merman. He is easily recognized by his long beard and his beautiful shiny golden crown. He is a true king. For many years Zaran, together with his Queen of the Sea, have been looking after the well-being of all creatures in the underwater world.

Crochet: Doll
Lionfish Koen looks tough with his stripes and spines. He likes to get into mischief. Fortunately his mischief is usually very funny and one can’t stop laughing. If by any chance things go wrong, he makes up for it with a nice big bouquet of sea coral, because in the end Koen is a real friend and wants the best for everyone.

Crochet: Doll
Lobster Kevin is super strong. His helmet and armor protect him and with his antenna he knows exactly where danger is. No matter how big the problem, he goes straight for it and with his sharp scissor claws he solves the issue. Everyone loves Kevin, because they can always count on him. He is a real hero!

Crochet: Doll
Mermaid Lana is the princess of the sea. She is very curious and outgoing. Lana loves swimming up against the stream and experiencing new adventures. Her long wavy hairs flutter gracefully behind her in the current. For Lana every day is different and it is always a fun adventure.

Crochet: Doll
Merman Kasper is the prince of the sea. Someday he will be king of the underwater world. Kasper loves to go out exploring and then he swims over the most wonderful places. He is most happy when he takes princess Lana with him to show her the colorful corals and all the exotic fish.

Crochet: Doll
Octopus Olga likes it when everything is tidy and clean. With her eight arms this is a piece of cake and she does everything simultaneously. When her house is tidied up, she cleans up all the rubbish outside together with the other underwater friends. This makes life underwater much nicer and safer. Olga truly is an example for everyone.

Crochet: Doll
Queen of the Sea Saya has a radiant appearance. Her fins move very gracefully and when she swims by it looks like she is dancing. Everyone turns around. Her wavy silver hair sparkles in the water and her crown is elegant and beautiful. Saya has a good heart and she wants the best for everyone.

Crochet: Doll
Seahorse Zafar is an expert at playing hide and seek. He hides among the coral where he is almost invisible. With his strong and spiraled tail he clings tightly to the coral. Meanwhile, he searches the cracks and holes between the coral with his long snout for treats. Zafar always finds something to snack on.

Crochet: Doll
Squid Igor is a very fast swimmer. He shoots through the water like a rocket. Igor loves to swim against his friends to see who is the fastest swimmer. He trains every day and he always swims a little faster. Igor already won three times and he is very proud of that!

Crochet: Doll
Surgeonfish Dina is a very smart and energetic lady. She knows everything about the underwater world and is happy to help everyone. Dina knows what to do if a fin is sprained or if someone accidentally bit into a fishing hook. She will be the first to help you.

Crochet: Doll
Shrimp Gerrit and Starfish Saar like to play among the coral. It offers the perfect hiding places and they love to get lost there. The coral looks like a colorful underwater city with buildings of all shapes and sizes. The curls of the curly coral seem to have no end and the pipe coral grows stately upwards like long chimneys. And don’t forget ...

Crochet: Doll
Four-leaf clover Klaus is a lucky clover and he likes to share his luck with you. Four-leaf clovers are very rare and whenever you find one, you may make a wish. Klaus has a large basket full of four- leaf clovers and each and every one is tested by him for luck. He tries to plant as many four-leaf clovers outside as he can. Klaus wants you to ...

Crochet: Animal Toy
Butterfly Vera is a cheerful butterfly and always in a good mood. She flutters back and forth, from left to right and from above to down below. She dances through the air like a ballerina and it makes all the flowers happy. Everyone knows Vera and she likes to chat with everyone.

Crochet: Doll
Anemone Annie is very friendly and helpful. She loves to have a chat and everybody likes her. When the wind is blowing, she checks to see if all flowers are all right and she takes care of broken leaves. Annie is very sweet and she always wants to cheer you up.

Crochet: Doll
Calla Lily Crista is very neat and tidy. She loves tidyness and order. In the brief moments when you are not looking, Crista is arranging the twigs around her and also piling up the small pebbles. When everything is in order, she straightens her white hood and her flower shines even prettier.

Crochet: Doll
Little Christmas star Kris is always happy and he looks at the world very positively. Winter, cold and snow all make him very happy. In the daytime he runs through the snow and sleds down the hills, laughing. Kris loves the Christmas season and he wishes it can be Christmas all year round.

Crochet: Doll
Little Crown Imperial Kees is very polite and friendly. The crown on his head betrays he comes from a royal family. Kees likes to take long walks and enjoy nature. He greets everyone he meets with a delightful hop and his bright orange flower gracefully flutters along.

Crochet: Doll
Little Daffodil Nancy loves to take long walks. She takes a different route every time and that’s why it is always exciting. Wherever she goes, she always carries her shopping basket with her to collect nice little treasures she finds. Sometimes she even finds a forgotten little Easter egg.

Crochet: Doll
Dahlia Diana is a real wild horse. She loves to run, climb in trees and romp. Diana likes to challenge you to a competition to see who is the strongest. Do not let her beautiful flower mislead you. Diana is not one to be underestimated.

Crochet: Doll
Little Gerbera Gemma is a smart and colorful girl. With her pink petals she is a cheerful appearance. Little Gemma has many brothers and sisters whom she loves very much. They are all different in color, but they are all Gerberas. Together they are a big happy family.

Crochet: Doll
Little Giant Onion Otto likes to have fun. He loves to laugh a lot and he radiates a lot of energy. Singing and dancing is his passion and he really likes a party. His dance moves are timeless and with his large round purple flower he steals the show. Otto is the flower of fun that makes everybody happy.

Crochet: Doll
Hydrangea Hank has many little bright blue flowers which together make a beautiful large flowered bulb. He enjoys to bloom abundantly. When Hank has nothing to do, he counts his little flowers to pass the time. And when he counts a different number of flowers than last time, he laughs very loud and starts to count all over again.

Crochet: Doll
Little Peony Pam is a true princess and she loves to fantasize about a world full of colorful flowers. Pam is always cheerful and when she walks, she makes pirouettes and hums romantic songs. Her dress and bow flutter behind her. It is just like a true fairytale.

Crochet: Doll
Little Poppy Paola is a bit shy. She loves to play hide and seek and she often hides behind trees and bushes. Little Paola made up her own imaginary flower girlfriend and they tell each other little secrets they giggle about together.

Crochet: Doll
Little Rose Roxy is a romantic lady. It is her dream to go to all the parties in the world and sprinkle her rose petals everywhere. Little Roxy collects her own petals and keeps them in her bag for later use. She often just throws her rose petals in the air and fantasizes about making everyone happy.

Crochet: Doll
Little Snowdrop Sia is a playful snowdrop. Her scarf is nice and warm and the cold does not harm her. Little Sia loves making snowballs all day long. When it snows she runs around with her arms in the air to catch the snowflakes. For Little Sia everyday is a fun day.

Crochet: Doll
Little Sunflower Sam is a happy Sunflower and always optimistic, just like his father. Wherever Little Sam is, he is always looking up at the sky, the clouds and the sun. He is a dreamer and his wish is to be able to fly together with his father to meet the sun in real. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Crochet: Doll
Water lily Winnie is a sweet and playful girl. Often you can find her at the pond jumping from floating leaf to floating leaf and trying not to get wet. And if Winnie does fall into the water, she laughs really loud and takes a deep refreshing dive.

Crochet: Doll
Bird of Paradise Paco loves bright colors, sunshine and partying with his friends. He is a very exotic flower boy and he is not afraid to show it. Paco is a Strelitzia flower, but everybody calls him Bird of Paradise. This sounds much more exotic and he does look a little like a tropical bird doesn’t he? Every year Paco visits the flower carniv...

Crochet: Doll
Carnation Cati is a very social and outgoing girl. She loves to meet other flowers and wants to talk to everybody. Her favorite place to go is the large open space in the forest. All the flowers meet there to have fun and go dancing. Cati loves to dance to all kinds of music and birdsongs. And when she is tired of dancing, she joins some flower...

Crochet: Doll
Passionflower Paz is a very dreamy girl. She loves to wander through forests, gardens and even cities. She is always looking up at the sky and dreaming she can be closer to the sun. Paz enjoys climbing up trees, walls and everything she sees. With her curly tendril she grabs hold of everything so she can be closer to the sky. She can watch the ...

Crochet: Doll
Thistle Tim is a sweet and playful thistle flower. Tim might have scary looking thistles, but he never stung anybody. He is really friendly and just loves to make new friends. When the weather gets colder, Tim puts on his thick scarf to keep him nice and warm and he goes out to play with his friends. They run around in the snow and have a lot o...

Crochet: Doll
Peony Pam has a beautiful and abundant peony flower. She is a true princess and loves to imagine she lives in a flower fantasy world. Pam dreams about strong and colorful flowers that love her and compete for her hand. Pam is often seen frolicking and dancing over the rolling hills humming the most romantic songs. When she dances over the hills...

Crochet: Doll
Hydrangea Hank has many bright blue flowers that together form a beautiful flowery sphere. He loves to bloom extensively. Hank is often seen with a lot of his friends gathering together. They have garden meetings and can talk together for hours and hours. They make gardening plans and assigning the gardening chores amongst them. The hydrangea’s...

Crochet: Doll
Dragonflies Dave and Lisa are two playful dragonflies. They are always seen flying together. Often they chase each other with high speed. Dave and Lisa are a true match. They fly from flower to flower and sometimes over the forest pond where they make ripples in the water with their tails. Dragonfly Dave loves to make salto’s in the air and Lis...

Crochet: Doll
Daffodil Nancy loves to go out walking. She takes a different route every time. Some days she walks through the grassy fields, other days through the dense forest and sometimes through mystic swamps. Nancy enjoys it everywhere. She is a lovely bright yellow daffodil. Nancy always carries her little shopping bag to collect the things she finds o...

Crochet: Doll
Gerbera Gemma is a bright and colorful girl. With her pink petals she stands out and grabs everybody’s attention. When she walks, her skirt gently flows and her petals wave softly as if to wave hello. She makes a lot of people happy. Gemma has got a big flower family with lots of brothers and sisters. They are all colored differently, bright re...

Crochet: Doll
Orchid Ollie is the sweetest girl that loves to play outside. She especially enjoys running through the tall grass and climbing trees. The big and ancient trees are her favorite. Ollie jumps from branch to branch until she finds a nice place to stay for a while. There she sits and lets her orchids bloom fully. She has beautiful white orchid flo...

Crochet: Doll
Violet Vicky loves her family. She enjoys visiting them and tries to see them as much as possible. Her violet family is a very big family and they live all over the world. She travels a lot to visit them. Violets come in many different colors and shapes and Vicky has a lot of different violets and pansies in her family. Her best friend is a pan...

Crochet: Doll
Giant Onion Otto is a fun flower. He likes to laugh a lot and he is very energetic. Singing and dancing is his passion and he often throws parties for all his flower friends. He makes a big impression and with his giant round purple flower he takes the center of attention. His dance moves are timeless and he mostly comes up with his own unique ...

Crochet: Doll
Snowdrop Sia is a playful snowdrop. She loves running through the snow and having snowball fights. Whenever she can, she is making snowballs. The cold doesn’t harm her. She wears a very thick scarf that keeps her warm even on the coldest days. Her favorite moments of the day are when the snow is falling. She runs around with her arms in the air...

Crochet: Doll
Christmas Star Kris is always joyful and he sees the world very positive. He belongs to the Poinsettia flower family. He loves his family and friends and he likes to think that the whole world is his family. When it is winter time he is extra happy. He likes the cold and enjoys the snow. In daytime he runs through the snow and sleds off the hil...

Crochet: Doll
Water Lily Winnie is a very sweet and playful girl. She is often found in the pond jumping from leaf to leaf trying to not get wet. And when she does fall in the water she laughs really loud and takes a deep dive. Her water lily flower is grand and impressive and she is very proud of it. After a day of fun and play she loves to sit on a waterli...

Crochet: Doll
Poppy Paola is a bit shy. She loves to play hide and seek and she often hides behind trees and bushes. She made up her own imaginary flower friend and they tell each other secrets. Poppy Paola is a very happy poppy and she loves to giggle a lot. It is because of this giggling that she can’t stay hidden for very long, because all the other flowe...

Crochet: Doll
Tulip Theo is very social and very clever. He is a great listener and always stays calm. When a flower has a problem they come to him for advice. He manages to help the flowers time after time. Think of the right solution and make everybody happy. All flowers have great respect for him. It is no wonder he was chosen king of the flower people. H...

Crochet: Doll
Ranunculus Ronan is a real athlete. He loves to do sports. His favorite sport is soccer. Whenever he can, he takes his soccer ball and goes to the open field to run after the ball. He loves the wind in his petals when running and practices doing tricks whenever he can. He is very competitive and always tries to do his best. He is idle and loves...

Crochet: Doll
Rose Roxy is a romantic lady. It is her dream to go to all the parties in the world and spread around here rose petals. She collects them and stores them in her bag for later use. She often just tosses her petals in the air and fantasizes she makes everybody happy. When her rose friends come around they play clapping games and run around for pl...

Crochet: Doll
Sam is a happy sunflower and always optimistic. Wherever he is, he is always looking up at the sky and staring at the sun. He is a dreamer and wishes he could fly and meet the sun in person. With his cape he often imagines he can fly and make his dream come true. Wouldn’t it be cool to be a flying superhero? It sure is his favorite game. But wh...