eBooks available as Ravelry Downloads

eBook :
27 patterns
Print edition is no longer available. Currently available as an ebook in Swedish only.

eBook :
5 patterns
Winter is coming is a Game of Thrones inspired collection and will be a total of 6 patterns included, based on places, caracters and enviroment from the book series.
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cowl
Det är en mysteriestickning uppdelad på 4 delar och den är en snabbstickad och sträcker sig över mellandagarna dvs 26-29.

Knitting: Cardigan
En lite längre kofta att mysa i, den perfekta baskoftan med långa muddar som går att vika upp och därmed växa i, variera med ränder och olika fIckor

Knitting: Mittens
Vantar med inspiration från folklorens starka kvinnor, hönsestrikkens politiska statement på stickning och traditionella motiv.

Knitting: Pullover
Valle är en tröja med runt ok och obegränsade möjligheter till färgkombinationer! Garnåtgången är beräknad på en tvåfärgad tröja. #tröjanvalle

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Med Birgit får du chansen att helt hänge dig till galna färgkombinationer om du önskar, en snabbstickad mössa med oreglbundna prickar är i alla fall exakt vad våra garderober saknade. #mössanbirgit

Knitting: Pants
Funktionella och fina, det är Lasse. Vi har använt denna modell som både blöjbyxor och varma underställsbyxor. Eftersom de är höga i midjan och långa i benen finns det växtmån i dem också. Perfekt tillfälle att göra av med restgarner i DK också! #byxornaLasse

Knitting: Cardigan
En kofta med motiv plockat från en kofta designad av Vera Josefsson och av henne fick även koftan sitt namn; Vera. Det är en midjekort kofta med många knappar, tight passform och härliga puffärmar. Precis det jag vill ha hos en kofta.

Knitting: Mittens
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Mittens
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Mittens
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Mittens
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Mittens
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Pattern from a Swedish book, observe that both the e-book and pattern are in SWEDISH ONLY

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
”Winterfell is the ancestral castle and seat of power of House Stark and is considered to be the capital of the North. It is located in the center of the northern province of the Seven Kingdoms, on the kingsroad that runs from Storm’s End to the Wall. It is situated at the eastern edge of the wolfswood, north of the western branch of the White ...

Knitting: Pixie Hat
”Robb Stark is the eldest son of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully and the heir to Winterfell and the North. Upon his father’s imprisonment for treason, he raises his banners and marches south with a host to aid his allies in the Riverlands and to free his father. After his father’s execution, he is named King in the North and Trident by his follo...

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The shawl is a solid colored slightly cresent shape with contrasting color details.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
pattern only in swedish for now, english version will be avalible in late july 2013

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Socks with wonderful leafs and structures with inc, dec., and twisted stitches!

Knitting: Chart
Just a plain chart, I used it for scrapyarn socks, and will use it again and again and again.

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
When I was a kid I always got Ivy and Moray mixed up, in english it’s not really that easy to mix them up but in Swedish the Muray is called Muräna and the Ivy is called Murgröna, and for me as a kid, it sounded pretty much the same.

Knitting: Mittens
Ett mönster som skiljer sig från annat jag har gjort, en elegant men ändå robust och varm vante, först så stickas mudden med knapphål och senare så plockas maskorna på längdsidorna upp för att både sticka själva vanten och en liten fåll längst ner på mudden för att undvika att kanten rullar sig.

Knitting: Mittens
a patten made for a Swedish mitten KAL, but the pattern is in both Swedish and English.

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
I’ve made this pattern when I was looking for some inspiration, the inspiration comes from traditional mittens from norway and the roses are common patterns on almost everything from scandinavia both on embroidered clothing and knitted mittens. I’ve made the pattern all by myself it’s just the inspiration that comes from the pictures of the bea...

Crochet: Chart
Different patterns of skully objekts, a bag, a pair of mittens for an adult, 2 pair of mittens for babies and pattern for a pot-holder and 4 extra skull charts.