patterns > TGWTH magazine edition 1

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The first edition of a brand-new concept is here. The Guy with the Hook’s (TGWTH) magazine is something I have worked on for a long time. The idea for a magazine is to display a very, big, new crochet pattern from my hand. Besides this crochet pattern, there are also some fun articles to read, personal words, photos and illustrations, colorwork, and, of course…some interesting facts. It has to offer more than a static crochet pattern.
For this first edition, I have chosen one of my long-time favorite themes.
Welcome to Bohemian Rhapsody, a blanket crochet pattern inspired by the greatest and perhaps most iconic song made by the rock band Queen. Using this theme has been on my to-do list for a long time. As a Queen and Freddie Mercury fan, I have had the wish for a long time, but how can I turn such a song full of lyrics into a crochet piece? Well, that started by studying the lyrics word by word and the meaning behind it. In this way, the blanket was made part by part, and the result is shown here. This pattern has become a large one, and crocheting this piece also takes you on a journey to discover the true meaning of the lyrics from Bohemian Rhapsody. I’ll explain them and tell you how I translated them into stitches, and it will give you hours of crochet fun.
Although this pattern will be available as a digital purchase, it has also been released in this first edition of the Guy with the Hook’s magazine.
Magazine published in March 2024 by The Guy with the Hook