patterns > Shawl Design in Plain English advanced

Please note: this book is offline and has been replaced by its second edition, which is available here:
Shawl Design made easy: how to design your own shawls explained in plain English. This book covers the following topics:
Basic Design Principles
- Yarn and needles
- Gauge and planning
- Calculations
Shawl shapes
The following shapes (including how-tos, background and construction infomation) are covered by this book:
- Rectangular and square shawls
- Triangular shawls
- Circular, semicircular and crescent shawls
- Faroese shawls
Example patterns
The book includes nine example patterns for the shapes listed above.
Table of contents
The table of contents is available as a PDF file here.
Example chapter
An example chapter is available as a PDF file here.
Stitch Dictionary
The book includes stitch patterns for main panels, edgings and small borders to use in your own shawl designs.
eBook published in March 2012