patterns > Nixie

One of my favorite ways of naming patterns is by running a naming contest. I always end up with something wonderful, often with lots of other fabulous ideas. This time the winning contestant thought the pattern looked like a mermaid’s tail, which made her think of the many myths and legends of river mermaids, sirens, water sprites, often referred to as nixies.
The Lorelei, a famous nixie on Germany’s Rhine River who lures sailors to their watery graves, gives her name to this cowl. Worked in the round with yarn held double, cowl works up quick as a wink to help keep winter’s chill at bay.
Melusine was often a much nicer nixie, magically building castles for her husband, and providing many, many other fine things, but don’t disturb her in her bath, or you’ll be sorry. Fingerless mitts have the same pretty stitch on the back of each hand, while the palms are an easy twisted rib.
eBook published in December 2012