Knitted Colonial Bouquet Doily by Workbasket Magazine

Knitted Colonial Bouquet Doily

crochet cotton #30
Thread ?
US 1 - 2.25 mm
0.7 mm
250 yards (229 m)
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

A photo of this doily graces the cover of the August 1956 Workbasket magazine. The Workbasket did not identify the designer for this lovely doily. Although long out of print, back issues of this magazine are readily available in the US in the secondary market (flea markets, estate sales, ebay, etc.).

Pattern is 74 rounds.

Special stitch:
crossed stitch- sk the first st, k the back of second st, then bring needle to front and knit the first st in the usual way, slip both sts off needle at once.

one 250 yard ball of size 30 crochet cotton
US size 1 double pointed needles- set of 5
pattern recommends circular needles in size US1: 11”, 16”, 24” and 30” to make the work easier