Four-Color Floral Mat by Elizabeth Hiddleson

Four-Color Floral Mat

Thread ?
1.0 mm
450 - 460 yards (411 - 421 m)
14 1/4" diameter

Skill Level = Intermediate

MATERIALS : Crochet cotton No. 30, ca 115 yds each in green (A), brick red (B), pink (C) and white (D). Steel crochet hook US size 11

A multicolored doily in 26 rounds with alternating colors of green, red, pink and white with a central 8-petaled rose center. Brief instructions on special stitches and a large charted pattern.

Pattern features:
8 petaled rose
chain in chain
inverted V-stitch
shell in shell
dtr crowns
irish crochet (filled chains)
simple chain edge.