Duchrow 73.5 - Die kleine Decke by Christine Duchrow

Duchrow 73.5 - Die kleine Decke

Cast on 8 stitches and follow chart.

Chart Key

r = knit
1 = YO
11 = double yarnover
111 = triple yarnover
a = slip 1, knit 1, psso
g = k2tog


  1. After Round 20 and again after Round 24, knit 3 plain rows.
  2. In Round 30 the 111 is a triple yarnover.
  3. In Round 31, the 111 made in Round 30 are dropped. The 16 knit stitches before and after them are elongated, then knit together as a single stitch.
  4. In Round 32, the 111 made in Round 31 are knit off as 3 stitches: purl-knit-purl.
  5. At the end of Round 43, knit one stitch forward before starting Round 44 (move marker one stitch left).
  6. At the end of Round 45, use the last stitch as the first stitch of Round 46 (move marker one stitch right).
  7. At the end of Round 47, use the last stitch as the first stitch of Round 48 (move marker one stitch right).
  8. Round 50 is not knitted, but crocheted off as indicated: take the 2 stitches shown as a (SKP), then make a chain of 2 or 6 stitches alternating.