Birsay Shawlette by Rian Anderson

Birsay Shawlette

October 2014
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
400 - 500 yards (366 - 457 m)
Can be made any size – 3 samples made varying from 130 - 150 cms along the top edge and 30 - 40 cms deep at the centre
This pattern is available for AU$7.00 AUD buy it now

This shawlette can be made in any thickness of yarn and the size varied by the number of “points” in the border – this is made first, in a sideways band, and the top section, striped or in a single colour, is then picked up from the straight side of this band.

Three samples are given in the pattern to show the effects of using 10 ply worsted, 4 ply fingering and 2 ply lace-weight yarns.

The 2 ply lace sample is very delicate and light and would be lovely as a neck scarf; the 10 ply worsted version makes a great warm shoulder wrap.

Many thanks to slipstitchdesigns for wonderful modelling in a heat wave!