Still Life with Knitting
I learned to knit as a teenager, then after a long hiatus took up the craft again when I wandered into a knitting store looking for yarns to incorporate into my jewelry designs. I was so taken with the amazing fibers -- so different from what was available to me when I was a kid -- that I was soon knitting up a storm. And then my jewelry making turned into stitch marker making. My marker making turned into a business, and my knitting progressed into designing.
And here I am now. I love the creative process, and strive to produce approachable designs that are fun to knit. I design under the name Still Life with Knitting, and I have every pattern I release professionally tech edited to ensure that it is as error-free as possible. (But sometimes surprises can pop up, so please let me know if you encounter a problem.) For pattern support or other comments or questions, please email me at knitifacts@protonme.com.
Knitifacts is my stitch marker business. I make every marker myself, using exceptional materials and quality workmanship. You can shop for my beautiful handcrafted markers at my Etsy store.
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Still Life With Knitting

- Embracement Infinity Scarf
- Still Life With Knitting
Still Life With Knitting
- Journal Band with Buttons
- Still Life With Knitting
Still Life With Knitting

- Journal Band with Pen Pocket
- Still Life With Knitting
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