Robyn Wade
Robyn Wade
Faux-cramé Propagation Station
Faux-cramé Collection
Faux-cramé Collection

- Faux-cramé Propagation Station
- Faux-cramé Collection
Faux-cramé Plant Hanger
Robyn Wade's Ravelry Store
Robyn Wade's Ravelry Store

- Faux-cramé Plant Hanger
- Robyn Wade's Ravelry Store
Classic Winter Wonderland Hat
ReBelle shop patterns
ReBelle shop patterns
- Classic Winter Wonderland Hat
- ReBelle shop patterns
Vegan Wrapped in Bacon
The AntiCraft, Beltane 2008
The AntiCraft, Beltane 2008

- Vegan Wrapped in Bacon
- The AntiCraft, Beltane 2008
Immaculate Heart
Anticraft: Knitting, Beading, and Stitching for the Slightly Sinister
Anticraft: Knitting, Beading, and Stitching for the Slightly Sinister

- Immaculate Heart
- Anticraft: Knitting, Beading, and Stitching for the Slightly Sinister
This Cosy is Da Bomb
The AntiCraft, Lughnasadh 2006
The AntiCraft, Lughnasadh 2006

- This Cosy is Da Bomb
- The AntiCraft, Lughnasadh 2006