Patons & Baldwins
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
'Green' check jumper Stitchcraft No. 313, January 1960 January 1960 1 81
1940s Twisted Rib Jumper Stitchcraft No. 127, March 1943 March 1943 2 125
the hats 1st size to 3 months Layette: Bonnet Beehive Series No. 82, Baby Styles in Darvan 3 6
1st size to 3 Months Layette: Crossover sweater Beehive Book No. 96, Beehive for Bairns, Volume 4 12 80
2 Pairs of Cosy Mittens Stitchcraft Fashions in Fair Isle January 1946 11
2 Ply Cable Cardigan Stitchcraft No. 191, November 1949 November 1949 1 34
2 Ply Jumper Stitchcraft No. 211, July 1951 July 1951 19
2 Ply Jumper Stitchcraft No. 200, August 1950 August 1950 45
2 Ply Twin Set Cardigan Stitchcraft No. 211, July 1951 July 1951 15
2 Ply Twin Set Jumper Stitchcraft No. 211, July 1951 July 1951 15
3 Months Size: Knitted Smock Beehive Book No. 96, Beehive for Bairns, Volume 4 6 55
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3 ply hose Patons 2286, Family Socks January 1972
3 ply Ribbed Socks Beehive Book No. 37, Hand Knit Socks January 1947 2 15
361 Button Through P&B Wools 361, 3 Cardigans January 1950 1
361 Cardigan 2-3 years P&B Wools 361, 3 Cardigans January 1950 9
361 Thrifty P&B Wools 361, 3 Cardigans January 1950 2
4 ply raglan sweater (V) P&B Wools of 4 Ply Weight C-550 January 1950 1 7
4-Coupon Twin Set Stitchcraft No. 162, February 1947 February 1947 3 271
4-ply Cables For Him and Her P&B Wools C-1163, Four Ply January 1962 4
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4-ply Classic in Stocking Stitch P&B Wools 720, Four Purple Heather Pullovers January 1953 1
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468 Hand Knits by Beehive Book No. 123, Sweaters for Men January 1942
5-Color Crochet Afghan Patons 590, Cozy Comforts January 1987
5. Country Casuals Patons 446, Beehive Knitting in the Round January 1983 4 21
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6-Piece Set No. 697, Bonnet Hand Knits by Beehive Book No. 120-A, For Babies January 1946
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6-Piece Set No. 697, Bootees Hand Knits by Beehive Book No. 120-A, For Babies January 1946