Kathleen Sperling

Kathleen Sperling

I have a blog. And I have some videos. And I Tweet. And I’m on Instagram. And I have a Tumblr. And I did a designer interview with Robin Hunter.


All my self-published patterns, plus most of those which were published in third-party publications, are available for purchase online! If you click through to each pattern, you will see the available purchase options.

However, I’m no longer using Ravelry as a sales channel. This is because Ravelry’s redesign did not consider accessibility, and in fact made its level of accessibility worse. Not only have the worst of the problems never been fixed, but Ravelry has acted in a suppressive and ableist manner towards those harmed. So I will not have my pattern sales contributing to their profits.

Read more details, especially about why everyone should care about accessibility.


I LOVE knitting! And over the years, I’ve also discovered that I LOVE designing! Knitting inspires me with ideas for patterns of all kinds: simple and complex, funny and serious, and for people of all ages and flavours. I work very hard to make my patterns understandable, helpful, and error-free. I hope you love knitting my designs!

A few of the nice things people have said publicly about my designs:

  • “Well done wipinsanity on writing instructions that work. I was sincerely worried having never knit on the bias before, but I followed your instructions and it works!” (Addis Abeba)

  • “Pattern was easy to follow and was one of my first steps into colorwork.” (Sweetness)

  • “This may be the most beautiful use of variegated yarn I’ve ever seen!” (Tracery)

  • “How does it feel to singlehandedly revolutionize sock-knitting? What a great idea.” (Hat Heel)

  • “This is a great pattern. The charts are comprehensive and detailed, the instructions are straighforward and the photographs describing the grafting are very easy to follow and a massive help.” (Around the Block)

original designs

Previous1 2 of 2
Knit Now, Issue 24, July 2013
  • Pysanka
  • Knit Now, Issue 24, July 2013
The Unofficial Harry Potter Knits
  • Tracery
  • The Unofficial Harry Potter Knits
Juicy Fly
The Unofficial Harry Potter Knits
  • Juicy Fly
  • The Unofficial Harry Potter Knits
Knitty, First Fall 2013
WIP Insanity
Leaves and Lace Baby Blanket
Creative Knitting, Spring 2013
Knit Picks Website
Flutterby Tam
Petite Purls, Issue 14 Color Work 2013
Stippling Blanket
Knit Now, Issue 17, January 2013
High-end Hat
WIP Insanity
Dalek Cupcake
WIP Insanity
Jayne Cupcake
WIP Insanity
Beloved Baby Bonnet
Jane Austen Knits, Summer 2012
Teddy for Tots
WIP Insanity
Addis Abeba
Knit Picks Website
Upscale Baby
WIP Insanity
WIP Insanity
Celtic Triad
Knitty, First Fall 2010
WIP Insanity
Hat Heel
Knitty, Fall 2009
WIP Insanity
MagKnits, April 2008
Child legs
WIP Insanity
Around the Block
WIP Insanity
Leafy Baby Poncho
WIP Insanity
Lacy Ribs Scarf
WIP Insanity
Down with Pigs
WIP Insanity
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