Jenn Kisner
Ravelry Group: Country Roads Yarns and Designs
Raveler #395,469. Joined on July 19, 2009
My mother taught me to knit when I was maybe 11 or 12, but it just didn’t interest me at that time, I was in middle school and had other issues to deal with besides worrying about knitting. Skip ahead to July ‘09 when I discovered the Wonderful World of Ravelry and the obsession that would soon take over my life and paycheck.
I had been thinking about designing for a few years, but never got the nerve up to actually submit anything. Well, that all changed when I submitted a little cowl pattern to Knit Picks, never really expecting it to amount to anything. Surprise, surprise, surprise! They actually liked my pattern and wanted to publish it! I was so excited and couldn’t believe my good luck!
I have to admit, I’ve been greatly blessed. God has given me a talent and a passion for knitting and yarn and a family that is always impressed with my creations. :D
Country Roads Yarns and Designs Ravelry Store

- The Hiddlestoner Shawl
- Country Roads Yarns and Designs Ravelry Store
Jenn Kisner's Ravelry Store
- The Autumn Splendor Cowl
- Jenn Kisner's Ravelry Store