Heather C Gibbs (KCACO.UK)

Heather C Gibbs (KCACO.UK)

Hi there! Welcome to my Ravelry Profile! I’m a happily married, part time working mum with two young girls and the owner of Keep Calm and Crochet On UK. With a hectic lifestyle the one thing that keeps me sane and calm is crocheting. If like me there are times when you are stressed and just want to pull out your hair with frustration at something or other remember my motto and ‘Keep Calm and Crochet On!’

Customer Rewards:

Purchase ANY 3 Patterns for 10% discount with Coupon Code: 3PACK
Purchase ANY 4 Patterns for 15% discount with Coupon Code: 4PACK
Purchase ANY 5 Patterns & Receive 20% discount with Coupon Code: 5PACK.

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Why not subscribe to my newsletter so you don’t miss out on any Keep Calm and Crochet On UK news: http://eepurl.com/cG528H

Join the KCACO-UK Crochet Community!

Join my sales friendly / show off your tah-dah moment / seek help kind of Facebook group where I post all my special offers and CAL details: Facebook Group

You can find me at the following places on the web:

Blog: https://keepcalmandcrochetonuk.com/
Facebook: http://facebook.com/KeepCalmAndCrochetOnUk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kcaco.uk/
Ravelry: https://www.ravelry.com/designers/heather-c-gibbs-kcacouk
Etsy: https://tidd.ly/488UAcG
LoveCrafts: http://bit.ly/KCACOUK-LoveCrafts
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/KCACOUK/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/KCACOUK

original designs

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Chevron Neck Tie
Inside Crochet, Issue 177
Millie & Mollie the Mushroom Twins
Crochet Now, Issue 119
Heatherside Blanket
Crochet Now, Issue 119
Cinderwhiskers the Cat
Crochet Now, Issue 119
Merry Marbles Cowl
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK Blog
Suki the Sakura Doll
Crochet Now, Issue 117
Soft Swirl Cowl
Crochet Now, Issue 117
Flurry and Frost the Penguin Twins
Your Crochet and Knitting, issue 50
Griff the Grizzly Bear
Your Crochet and Knitting, issue 50
Paperback Patch Square
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK
Sleepy Bear Wash Cloth
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK
Woodsy the Winter Owl
Crochet Now, Issue 115
Bloom & Grow Beanie
Crochet Now, Issue 115, Stash-Busting Style Supplement
Granny Square Brimmed Hat
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK Blog
Gnome Sweet Gnome Advent Calendar
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK
Figgy the Festive Gnome
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK Blog
Sugarplum Beary
Crochet Now, Issue 114
Frosted Forest Houndstooth Wrap
I Like Crochet, December 2024
Crocheted Poppy
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK
Eggnog the Elf
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK
Feline Fancy Headband
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK Blog
Sugarplum Unicorn
Your Crochet & Knitting, Issue 47
Mischievous Magpie Shawlette
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK Blog
Briar Blanket
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK
Jaunty Jack o'Lantern
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK Blog
Ghoulie the Ghost Cushion
Crochet Now, Issue 112
Festival Fusion Cowl
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK
Jade the Witch
Your Crochet & Knitting, Issue 46
Coffee Bean Stitch Mug Cozy
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK Blog
Elroy the Elephant
Crochet Now, Issue 110
Foundry Fusion Shawl
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK Blog
Freya the Fungi Forager Squirrel
Your Crochet & Knitting, Issue 45
Ginger Gene the Gingerbread Man
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK
Colbie Cowl
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK
Green Hippo
WoolBox website
Peaches the Rabbit
Crochet Now, Issue 108
Pretty Petal Pincushion
KCACOUK Designs Etsy Store
Bear Pocket Wallhanging
Simply Crochet, Issue 148
Amigurumi Zebra
Simply Crochet, Issue 148
Siamese WoolCat
WoolBox website
Russian Blue WoolCat
WoolBox website
Red Tabby WoolCat
WoolBox website
Official Moomins
Crochet Now, Issue 107
moorit. Issue 6 - Spring/Summer 2024
Dutch Bunnies
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK
Jelly Bean Bunny
Keep Calm and Crochet On UK Blog
St Bernard WoolPups
WoolBox website
Border Collie WoolPups
WoolBox website
Saluki WoolPups
WoolBox website
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