Frédérique Alexandre
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
All Set Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 1 12
All Square Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes January 2012 1 5
Baby Bears Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 97
Baby Blue Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes January 2012 33
Black and White Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 7
Boernoes Met Capuchon (19) Uitzet - Chic en verfijnd February 2017 1 4
Cardigan (model nr 5) Uitzet - Chic en verfijnd February 2017 1 29
Chain Cable Socks Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 1 20
Comfy Pumps Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 16
Cute Cable Socks Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 1 46
Cute Cables Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 3 36
Elegant Simplicity Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes January 2012 2 32
Garter-stitch Delights Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes January 2012 5 25
Kit bandeau à large torsade femme Phildar Kits 2 3
Kit bandeau point d'Astrakan Phildar Kits 1 4
Lace Lovelies Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 5
Little Ballerina Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 1
Little Imp Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 5 36
Little Stripes Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 11 4
Nordic Beauties Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 42
Norwegians Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 1 23
Pink Diamonds Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 6
Pixie Boots Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 6
Pompom Power Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 16
Puppy Dogs Baby Booties and Socks: 50 knits for Tiny Toes October 2013 30