DROPS design
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
0-681 Crochet hair band with crochet flowers Drops Extra Ladies June 2010 17 681
0-682 Crochet flower for key ring DROPS Extra Interior June 2010 10 595
0-683 Short jacket with short sleeve in seed st Drops Extra Kids June 2010 56 883
0-684 Lille Mille Drops Extra Kids January 2010 333 3480
0-685 Book mark with teddy DROPS Extra Interior September 2010 12 325
0-686 Book mark with flower at the top DROPS Extra Interior September 2010 4 170
0-69 Bolero in Eskimo Drops Design 49 1277
0-695 Gent sweater in stockinette st DROPS Extra Men August 2010 10 310
0-699 Like Candy hexagon pot holder DROPS Extra Interior January 1982 11 197
0-7 Summer top with flag pattern Drops Design May 2011 139
0-70 Gent sweater in Inka Drops Design 6 168
0-700 Like Candy round pot holder with bobbles DROPS Extra Interior January 1982 3 114
0-702 Tabitha Drops Halloween October 2010 5 284
0-703 Scary Tales Drops Halloween October 2010 5 286
0-704 Obliviate! Drops Halloween October 2010 7 320
0-705 Pumpkin Blossom Drops Halloween October 2010 20 811
0-706 Socks knitted back and forth in garter st. Drops Extra Ladies March 2011 3 112
0-707 Neck warmer with reindeer pattern Drops Extra Ladies January 2010 13 346
0-708 Shoulder wrap with shirred pattern Drops Extra Ladies August 2010 4 281
0-709 Sleeveless top in stockinette st Drops Extra Ladies March 2011 4 185
0-71 Knitted coat in Inka Drops Design 11 789
0-710 Mittens with cuffs Drops Extra Ladies January 2011 13 173
0-711 Jacket in seed st and rib borders Drops Extra Ladies February 2011 186
0-712 Country Cuddlers Drops Extra Ladies September 2010 9 305
0-713 Sock in stockinette st with rib Drops Design October 2010 99 1000