DROPS design
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
0-628 Easter egg Drops Easter March 2010 8 249
0-629 Daffodils for Easter decorations Drops Easter March 2010 3 270
0-63 Norwegian jacket with collar Drops Extra Ladies January 1999 149
0-630 Sun Glow Drops Easter March 2010 29 316
0-631 Sweet Mary Jane Drops Easter March 2010 32 849
0-632 Felted Easter chickens Drops Easter March 2010 9 164
0-633 Bella, the Book Bunny Drops Easter March 2010 9 455
0-634 Bunny Toes Drops Easter March 2010 79 1556
0-639 Magnus Set Drops Extra Kids March 2010 151 1524
0-64 Jumper with ¾ sleeve and crochet border Drops Extra Ladies January 2000 81
0-65 Jacket with cables Drops Extra Ladies January 1999 179
0-66 Sweater in large sizes Drops Design 2 162
0-667 4th of July or national day rosette DROPS Extra May 2010 13 146
0-668 4th of July or national day ribbon DROPS Extra May 2010 2 77
0-669 4th of July or national day flower DROPS Extra May 2010 3 171
0-670 4th of July or national day bow DROPS Extra May 2010 4 128
0-671 /0-674 Crochet flower for head band Drops Extra Ladies June 2010 41 1838
0-672 Crochet serviette and place card decoration DROPS Extra Interior June 2010 3 152
0-673 Crochet flower for candle holder decoration DROPS Extra Interior June 2010 3 247
0-674 a / 0-676 Crochet hair band with flowers Drops Extra Ladies June 2010 17 934
0-675 Crochet book mark with flower DROPS Extra Interior June 2010 11 581
0-677 Crochet flower to decorate a glass DROPS Extra Interior June 2010 7 301
0-678 Crochet flower for armband or hair band Drops Extra Ladies June 2010 2 287
0-679 Crochet flower for hair band Drops Extra Ladies June 2010 13 684
0-680 Pot holder with flower DROPS Extra Interior June 2010 4 224