Daniel Yuhas
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
hannahbanana Anemone Super Fun Knits September 2007 7 153
Autogyro Knitty, Summer 2008 June 2008 6 46
Beware the Kraken Super Fun Knits January 2008 9 135
Blue Star Blanket Yarn Forward Magazine No. 21, Jan/Feb 2010 January 2010 1 8
Brain Coral against Breast Cancer Super Fun Knits June 2009 7 218
Cone Hats Knitting from the Center Out: An Introduction to Revolutionary Knitting November 2012 10 65
Coral Necklace Knitting from the Center Out: An Introduction to Revolutionary Knitting November 2012 14 212
Cubit the Inchworm Super Fun Knits July 2008 2 68
Dahlia Blanket Knitting from the Center Out: An Introduction to Revolutionary Knitting November 2012 180 1456
Diamonds in the Rough Creative Knitting Magazine Web Bonuses December 2009 45
Doodlebug Super Fun Knits June 2008 7 48
Dreamcoat Wrap Super Fun Knits October 2010 15 362
Eisenia the Earthworm Molting Yeti May 2008 1 30
Elizabeth: The Steam Age The Sanguine Gryphon November 2010 268
Ellipsis Shawlette Twisted February 2013 9 151
Eternal Knot Baby Blanket Super Fun Knits March 2010 55 2183
Feather and Fan Shawl Knitting from the Center Out: An Introduction to Revolutionary Knitting November 2012 5 47
Forkfull the Jellyfish Molting Yeti 6 80
Foxglove Boa Knitting from the Center Out: An Introduction to Revolutionary Knitting November 2012 7 36
Geometric Shrug Knitting from the Center Out: An Introduction to Revolutionary Knitting November 2012 8 78
Gloria Knit Picks Website October 2009 20 177
Half Moon Mittens Knitting from the Center Out: An Introduction to Revolutionary Knitting October 2012 21 68
Heel-Up Socks Knitting from the Center Out: An Introduction to Revolutionary Knitting November 2012 35 357
Helix Super Fun Knits February 2009 12 348
Hood Down Hoodie Knitting from the Center Out: An Introduction to Revolutionary Knitting November 2012 22 486