Clara Beauty

Clara Beauty
Clara Beauty, aka Clara Quintela.
Brazilian living in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Journalist by trade. Fiber artist by nature. Teacher&student.
Married with cats: Ariela, Cecília, Dalila, Juju and Bebê.
Stubborn, merciless, obsessive, evil.
Creative, generous, tireless, optimistic.
Good at everything once she decides she wants to do.
Terrible at sports, but loves running.
Likes reading, eating, dancing, drinking, watching TV series, studying (chinese tradicional medicine, biology, french, english, piano…), being alone, when it’s cold outside.
Dislikes cockroaches, darkness, noise, crowd, get stuck in the traffic, being late, not knowing the lesson.
Wishes more time, more friends, more chocolate.
Always planning to go…
Collects dreams.
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Delovely shawlette - updated version
Clara Beauty Knits
Clara Beauty Knits

- Delovely shawlette - updated version
- Clara Beauty Knits
Linda Shawl
Knitting, crocheting, creating with art yarn
Knitting, crocheting, creating with art yarn

- Linda Shawl
- Knitting, crocheting, creating with art yarn
Ironforge Leg Warmers
Wrap your Knitting with Love
Wrap your Knitting with Love

- Ironforge Leg Warmers
- Wrap your Knitting with Love
Hood & Cowl Gnomeregan
Wrap your Knitting with Love
Wrap your Knitting with Love

- Hood & Cowl Gnomeregan
- Wrap your Knitting with Love
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