Christine Jeffery

Christine Jeffery
I am a SAHM to four kids, who crafts for sanity’s sake. I have been knitting feverishly since 2006, and tend to put the housework second. Thankfully I have a fabulous husband who puts up with my skewed priorities.
I am an American ex-pat, now living in Wellington, New Zealand. I love to read blogs and be inspired by others’ creativity. I have the most amazing network of friends, most of whom I have met through online activities. I love coffee far too much and have several cuppas a day to fire my creative energy. I collect all things that are yarn or fabric. My two biggest obsessions are hearts and bags, and I love to knit anything small to satisfy me sense of instant gratification.
Colosseo Moebius Cowl
Prairiedog's Ravelry Downloads
Prairiedog's Ravelry Downloads

- Colosseo Moebius Cowl
- Prairiedog's Ravelry Downloads
Tooth Fairy Pouch for Beginner Knitters
Purdy Peas
Purdy Peas

- Tooth Fairy Pouch for Beginner Knitters
- Purdy Peas