Catherine Bligh

Catherine Bligh
I’ve been crocheting for twelve years or so now. I love making blankets, especially making blankets to give to people. Just starting to dip my toes into designing, which is fun but very challenging!
You can find a discussion group for my patterns here.
My patterns are always available without charge. However, if you would like, please feel free to make a donation to an ME charity (such as ME Research UK) instead.
PWME. I live in my armchair and my bed. I love making blankets inspired by nature in some way.
Diamond Nights Christmas Stocking
Catherine's Corner
Catherine's Corner

- Diamond Nights Christmas Stocking
- Catherine's Corner
Bees'n'Bugs'n'Butterflies Wreath
Catherine's Corner
Catherine's Corner

- Bees'n'Bugs'n'Butterflies Wreath
- Catherine's Corner