Ana Clerc

Ana Clerc
I am a crochet and knitting teacher at a few LYSs in the Austin, TX area, a budding designer, Mama, knitter, spinner, crocheter, seamstress, and all around fiber-geek. I love to teach students of all ages and especially love to see the spark of understanding explode in their brains.
Besides all things fibery, I love to talk about science-geekery, color theory, music, and crazy food. I have a thing for food trailers. Really.
I’ve recently begun dyeing hand-dyed yarns under the Yarn Carnival label, and make more project bags than is probably healthy.
Solar Flare Granny Square Tote
Ocean of Stitches Blog
Ocean of Stitches Blog

- Solar Flare Granny Square Tote
- Ocean of Stitches Blog
Perhaps - A Smallish Sundress
Ocean of Stitches Blog
Ocean of Stitches Blog

- Perhaps - A Smallish Sundress
- Ocean of Stitches Blog
Crafty Little Needle Case - Knit Version
Ocean of Stitches Blog
Ocean of Stitches Blog
- Crafty Little Needle Case - Knit Version
- Ocean of Stitches Blog
Padding: Tunisian iPad Case
Ocean of Stitches Blog
Ocean of Stitches Blog
- Padding: Tunisian iPad Case
- Ocean of Stitches Blog