Schachenmayr Design Team

Schachenmayr Design Team

original designs

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S8653 Sweater and Hat/Pulli und Mütze
Fischer Wolle Anleitungsheft 2013/2014
3571 Monte Rosa
Schachenmayr Website
S10758 Ayla Vest
Inspiration No. 059, Family Styles and Accessories
Schachenmayr Alpaca Classico Col 00036 rosé
F0057 Bag with Cable
Schachenmayr Wash+Filz-it! No. 004, Home Trends & Accessories
Boston Sun Hat
Schachenmayr Ballbands Yarnlabels
# 28 Pull manches courtes
Fait Main Hors Série Crochet No. 34
Bravo Mezzo Mütze
Schachenmayr Website
# 01 Poncho
Fait Main Hors Série Tricot N° 32 Hiver 2012
  • # 01 Poncho
  • Fait Main Hors Série Tricot N° 32 Hiver 2012
S8193 Homesocks
Schachenmayr Website
4539 Floppy Doll
Inspiration No. 44, Summer wear for Babies and Toddlers
S10770 Birte S8173 Hat
Inspiration No. 040, Winter Accessories
Childs Jacket With Hood 01107
Schachenmayr SMC No. 09, Trachtenwolle Fine
01110 Hood Pullover / Mädchenpullover mit Kapuze
Schachenmayr SMC No. 09, Trachtenwolle Fine
02201 Fichu im Lace-Muster / Fine Wool Shawl
Schachenmayr SMC No. 22, Fine Wool
SMC Select Highlights 003
  • #1960
  • SMC Select Highlights 003
S9404 S8032 Ladies Sweater
Inspiration No. 017
# 37 Robe
Fait Main Hors série Tricot No. 24, Ete 2011
  • # 37 Robe
  • Fait Main Hors série Tricot No. 24, Ete 2011
S7376 Tunika
Inspiration No. 161, Catania & Catania Fine
S7365 Damentop mit Ajourmuster
Inspiration No. 161, Catania & Catania Fine
S7410 Damenjacke
Schachenmayr Website
01404 Damen-Halbarmpullover
Schachenmayr SMC No. 14, Cotton Bamboo Batik
R0031 Babyschühchen
Regia Magazin 157 Socks & Styles
S11056 Ralph Pot holder
Schachenmayr Designposter No. 11
# 22 Pull à manches chauve-souris
Fait Main Hors Série Tricot No. 20, Automne 2010
S7378 Ajourweste
Schachenmayr Website
Schachenmayr Website
S7379 Shirt
Schachenmayr Website
S7367A Damentunika
Schachenmayr Website
S7366 Top
Inspiration No. 161, Catania & Catania Fine
  • S7366 Top
  • Inspiration No. 161, Catania & Catania Fine
S7373 Damenjacke
Schachenmayr Website
S10146 Damenjacke
Schachenmayr Magazin 026, Trachten Moments
S7121 Mittens
Inspiration No. 146, Family Accessoires
6862 Polar Bear / Eisbär
Filz-it! No. 4 - Weihnachtliche Dekoration & kleine Geschenke
6951 Damenjacke mit Lochmuster
Inspiration No. 139, Modetrends Frühjahr/Sommer
S6745 Jacke
Inspiration No. 131
6816A+B Tote Bag with Stripes
Filz-it! No. 2 - Fashion Totes
S6721 A + B Damencape
Schachenmayr's Ravelry Store
26401 Lorenz
Inspiration No. 124
6653 Jacke mit Lochmuster
Schachenmayr Website
6652 Lonpulli mit Lochmuster
Schachenmayr Website
# 20 Pull à losanges
Fait Main Hors série Tricot No. 6
# 19 Pull à côtes ajourées
Fait Main Hors série Tricot No. 6
# 04 Pull jacquard
Fait Main Hors série Tricot No. 6
# 19 Pull long au point ajouré
Fait Main Hors série Tricot No. 5
# 26 Pull au point ajouré
Fait Main Hors Série Tricot No. 4, Été 2007
6009 A Damenjacke
Inspiration No. 87
S9410 Placemats Tischsets
Schachenmayr Website
Mount Angelika
Schachenmayr Website
5657 Puzzlepulli
Inspiration No. 80, Modetrends Frühjahr/Sommer
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