Royal Society
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Pineapple Doily #9-124 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #9, Crisp New Doilies January 1948 9 336
Pineapple Petals Doily #12-50 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #12, Hand Crochet Doilies January 1951 26 674
Pineapple Posy Doily #12-55 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #12, Hand Crochet Doilies January 1951 5 195
Pink Aster Doily #12-63 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #12, Hand Crochet Doilies January 1951 1 52
Placemat #9-104 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #9, Crisp New Doilies January 1948 131
Play Suit No 2-14 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #2, For Babies January 1943 2
Play-pen panties No 2-6 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #2, For Babies January 1943
Polka Dot Luncheon Set #4-84 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #4 January 1945 3
Pot Holder #4-93 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #4 January 1945 2
Pot Holder #4-94 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #4 January 1945 6
Pot Holder #4-95 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #4 January 1945 2
Pot Holder #4-96 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #4 January 1945 2
Pull-on-Pants No 2-27 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #2, For Babies January 1943
Pull-on-Pants No 2-30 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #2, For Babies January 1943 1
Pullover pals No 2-20 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #2, For Babies January 1943 1
Romper No 2-47 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #2, For Babies January 1943 5
Rose Filet Luncheon Set Dover Needlework Series, 150 Favorite Crochet Designs May 1995 18
Rose Filet Sweater, 1921 Royal Society #17, Crochet Book January 1921 3 390
Round Doily #3-55 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #3, Lace and Doilies January 1943 1 12
Round Doily #4-86 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #4 January 1945 6
Round Luncheon Set #4-83 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #4 January 1945 5
Roundelay Bedspread Royal Society #48, Heirlooms to Crochet January 1949 12
no photo
Royal Irish Rose Bedspread Royal Society Mercerized Knitting and Crochet January 1936 8
Ruffled Charmer Doily #3-45 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #3, Lace and Doilies January 1943 12
Rug No 2-24 Hand Crochet by Royal Society #2, For Babies January 1943 1