Rhonda White
Hi all! I learned to knit in the third grade - and besides a few high school years when it just wasn’t “cool” to knit, I’ve been knitting since! I’m married to a Marine, and we live in Okinawa Japan. I’m slowly working my way up to designing things a little more labor intensive than dishcloths - but for now, I love ‘em and if you don’t want to knit a dishcloth/washcloth/facecloth (gasp!) then you can call them afghan squares and make yourself a blankie. Or sew two together to make a purse like my friend Erin did for me using the DW pattern in patriotic colors. Oh yeah - only sew them along 3 sides or else you won’t be able to get into your purse! I am so in love with Ravelry and the very cool people and groups and patterns I’ve already met in here!
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Knitting Knonsense

- Massachusetts Cloth (revisited)
- Knitting Knonsense
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