Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
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Blusa Mojave Pingouin Mon Tricot 19, 2007 January 2007 7
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Blusa Mona Pingouin Mon Tricot 14, 2006 January 2006 1 17
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Blusa Noite Feliz Pingouin Mon Tricot 5, 2004 January 2004 5
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Blusa Petrópolis Pingouin Mon Tricot 10, 2005 January 2005 5
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Blusa Pitágoras Pingouin Mon Tricot 2, 2004 January 2004 3
Blusa Queen Pingouin Mon Tricot 10, 2005 January 2005 29 1285
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Blusa Rope Pingouin 2011 - Inverno January 2011 1
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Blusa Terraris Pingouin Mon Tricot 2, 2004 January 2004 2
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Blusa Tobys (Girls Summer Motif Top) Pingouin Mon Tricot 15, 2006 January 2006 7
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blusa zanzibar Pingouin Mon Tricot 20, 2007 January 2007 8
Boat neck sweater Pingouin 628, Family Knit DK January 1990 1
Boat neck sweater in spots & stripes Pingouin No. 100 January 1987 5
Boina Bohemia Pingouin Mon Tricot 17, 2007 January 2007 1 3
Bolero em tricô com fio bruma Coleção Pingouin Mega Artensenal 2007 January 2007 3 35
Bolero Marrom Pingouin Mon Tricot 17, 2007 January 2007 32 1348
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Bolsa Rose e Beach Pingouin Website, Brazil February 2014 1 24
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Bonnet 88.258 Pingouin No. 113, 6 Layettes January 1988
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Bootees 88.259 Pingouin No. 113, 6 Layettes January 1988 1
Boy's suit Pingouin 7001, Doube Knitting 9
Boys Jacket Pingouin 7722, Ritournelle 3
Brassière en Pingofrance (modèle no. 87.060) Pingouin No. 98, 8 Layettes for 8 Pretty Babies January 1987 1 3
Brassière et culotte longue 82.244 Pingouin No. 49, Babies January 1982 1 2
Bright Knit Pingouin No. 104, Spring January 1988 3
Bunting and Hat, No.7 Pingouin No. 45, de 1 jour a 1 an January 1982 12 117
Button up sweater Pingouin 701, knits in the Classic Tradition: Hand Knit 1