Maggie Jackson
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Lucenda MaggiKnits #11, Squares and Frills 27
Maghera Skirt or Throw Maggiknits #5, A Fashion Colour Story 4 324
Maghera Sweater Maggiknits #5, A Fashion Colour Story 8 110
Maguiresbridge Cape Maggiknits #8, The Tartan Look 40
Maguiresbridge Cardi & Cowl Maggiknits #8, The Tartan Look 13
Malaga Top with Lacy Sleeves and Frills Maggiknits #10, The Lacy Look 29
Malone Cushion Maggiknits #6, Home Interiors 4
Malone Throw Maggiknits #6, Home Interiors 17
Melmount Beret Maggiknits #8, The Tartan Look 3 15
Melmount Sweater Maggiknits #8, The Tartan Look 1 30
Montefrio MaggiKnits #11, Squares and Frills 6
Mullaghabrack Waistcoat & Cowl Maggiknits Online 1 20
Mullinaskea Wedding Top & Skirt MaggiKnits #7, Summer Chic 05 294
Mulranny Top & Scarf Maggiknits #16, Fashion Knits 2 217
Murlough Bay Cardi & Pullover Maggie's Ireland January 2004 8
Musgrave Maggiknits #3, The Linen Look 205
Naas Sweater and Scarf Maggiknits #1, The Irish Collection 12
New Abbey Maggiknits #6, Home Interiors 1 50
New Abbey Cushion Maggiknits #6, Home Interiors 6
New Abbey Mini Cushion Maggiknits #6, Home Interiors 3
Newry Waistcoat and Cap MaggiKnits #4, Fashion in Tweed 3 34
Newtownbreda Beret Maggiknits #9, OH NO!! not another scarf 14
Newtownbreda Scarf Maggiknits #9, OH NO!! not another scarf 4 25
Newtownbutler Coat MaggiKnits #4, Fashion in Tweed 5 46
Newtownbutler Pleated Short Skirt and Tie MaggiKnits #4, Fashion in Tweed 33