Lauren McGoveran

Lauren McGoveran

original designs

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Adding "Claws" to Socks
Stitch Whisper Blog
Kid's Upside Down Hat
StitchWhisperDesigns on Etsy
Girl's Chevron Cloche
StitchWhisperDesigns on Etsy
Easy Peasy Baby Sweater
StitchWhisperDesigns on Etsy
Boogie Baby Booties
StitchWhisperDesigns on Etsy
Enchanted Shawl
StitchWhisperDesigns on Etsy
Monster Socks
StitchWhisperDesigns on Etsy
Easy Felted Purse
StitchWhisperDesigns on Etsy
Child's Shell Sampler Scarf
StitchWhisperDesigns on Etsy
Art Nouveau Bookmark
Stitch Whisper Blog
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