Kathy Sasser
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
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Mrs. Crumpet's Face Cloth Tehachapi Sock Company (Etsy) June 2010 3
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Mrs. Crumpet's Flock Tehachapi Sock Company June 2013 8
Mrs. Crumpet's Knitting Bag Tehachapi Sock Company (Etsy) July 2010 2 113
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Mrs. Crumpet's Woolen Shop Tehachapi Sock Company (Etsy) June 2010 65
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Mug Wraps Tehachapi Sock Company April 2013 12
On the Go Baby Blanket Red Heart #J27-0006, Eco-Living January 2008 17 144
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Pals Tehachapi Sock Company September 2012 4
Pampering Cloths Your Knitting Life, April/May 2012 March 2012 37 597
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Rainbow Illusions Kathleen Dianne March 2014 7
Raspberry Rib Blankie American School of Needlework #1445, Easy Timeless Blankies January 2007 6 37
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Route 66 Pillow Kathleen Dianne August 2015 7
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Sheepish Foot Stool Cover Tehachapi Sock Company (Etsy) June 2010 37
Spencer the Elephant Baby House of White Birches, Quick Knitted Afghans December 2001 4 93
Spring Tee Creative Knitting, May 2009 May 2009 14 192
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Squidmeyer the Bedbug Tehachapi Sock Company September 2011 3
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Suitcase Spotters Kathleen Dianne April 2014 32
Summer Cooler Creative Knitting, July 2006 May 2006 6 119
Sunny Weave Blankie American School of Needlework #1445, Easy Timeless Blankies January 2007 2 4
Sunshine & Flowers Apron Nazli Gelin Book 5: Bring Your Garden Inside January 2014 64
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Sweater Scarf & Hat Set House of White Birches #124007, Knitting in the Round August 2004 7
Sweetheart Stockings Yarnspirations May 2011 21 569
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Tea's Face Cloth Tehachapi Sock Company (Etsy) June 2010 5
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Tender Foot Boot Toppers Kathleen Dianne October 2014 29
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The Abbott Kinney Hat Kathleen Dianne April 2015 11
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The Babushka Hat Kathleen Dianne November 2014 8