Juliet Bernard
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Fire Dance The Knitter, Issue 149 April 2020 14 575
Gazania Washcloth The Knitter, Issue 151 June 2020 4 208
Gothenburg Hat The Knitter, Issue 98 May 2016 19
Hexagon Cowl Jzblue January 2021 49
Hexagon Cowl Black Sheep Wools September 2013 11 494
Inchmurrin The Knitter, Issue 145 December 2019 1 41
Innocent Big Dinosaur Hat Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit 6 130
innocent Big Garlic Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit September 2011 12 85
innocent Big Juicy Pear Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit September 2011 23 139
innocent Big Knit Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit 27 105
innocent Big Knit Apple Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit September 2011 6 48
innocent Big Knit banana Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit September 2011 9 86
innocent Big Knit beginners hat Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit June 2011 196 154
innocent Big Knit Broccoli Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit September 2011 2 36
innocent Big Knit bunch of grapes Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit August 2011 10 53
Innocent Big Knit duck hat Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit 1 13
innocent Big Knit Lemon Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit September 2011 12 44
Innocent Big Knit lion hat Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit 2 20
innocent Big Knit Mushroom Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit September 2011 2 59
innocent Big Knit Peas in a Pod Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit September 2011 4 29
innocent Big Knit Pineapple Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit June 2011 33 180
innocent big knit Pumpkin Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit August 2011 8 100
innocent Big Knit Sheep Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit September 2011 18 208
innocent big knit Stawberry Hat Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit July 2011 39 118
innocent Big Knit Tomato Innocent Drinks - the Big Knit September 2011 5 51