Janel Laidman
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Damselfly Rustling Leaf Studios April 2011 44 957
Danube Knitterati Sock Club 2012 January 2012 20 92
Dawnsinger/Habitat Sock Illuminations Colorwork Sock Club January 2012 28 262
deco Illuminations Colorwork Sock Club January 2012 3 129
Druid Knitterati Sock Club 2012 January 2012 25 92
eiki shawl Rustling Leaf Studios March 2011 237 2117
Elysium twist collective spring/summer 2012 April 2012 90 4119
Equinox Knitterati Sock Club 2012 October 2012 10 85
Fiji Armchair Travelers Club September 2019 1 59
Firebird The Enchanted Sole October 2009 28 945
Floridia Illuminations Colorwork Sock Club January 2012 2 58
fortune cookie Illuminations Colorwork Sock Club January 2012 4 59
Fulled Pocket Purse Spindlicity December 2006 2 324
Galadriel The Enchanted Sole October 2009 27 529
Garden Beret Spindlicity March 2006 2 213
Glastonbury Rustling Leaf Studios 16 376
Good Day Sunshine Chameleon Colorworks 1 69
Granada Illuminations Colorwork Sock Club January 2012 20 362
Gwenevere Rustling Leaf Studios January 2010 3 265
Hawaii Rustling Leaf Studios October 2017 21
Hibernia Rustling Leaf Studios January 2012 42 305
Hope Socks The Eclectic Sole: Socks for Adventurous Knitters May 2008 37 53
Hyacinth Sole Mates Sock Club February 2011 34 693
Hydrangea The Eclectic Sole: Socks for Adventurous Knitters May 2008 123 137
Hypnosis Chameleon Colorworks January 2007 115 294