Elanor King
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Mack Beret and Mitts Set Knit Now, Issue 61, June 2016 May 2016 42
Nostepinne Elanor King's Ravelry Store December 2014 61
Pembroke Cottages Blanket Elanor King's Ravelry Store December 2014 89
Petals and Plaid Hat Knit Now, Issue 27, October 2013 October 2013 3 142
Petals and Plaid Mitts Knit Now, Issue 27, October 2013 October 2013 1 23
Pick-up Lines Shawl Knit Now, Issue 82, December 2017 December 2017 1 26
Rocket Boy Hoodie Knit Now, Issue 35, May 2014 May 2014 1 37
Rosabella Mitts Catchloops October 2013 3 85
Roxbourne Catchloops December 2012 3 40
Seaglas Top Knit Now, Issue 35, May 2014 May 2014 2 29
Simple Crown Catchloops July 2014 8 197
Sinead's Hotty Botty Catchloops December 2013 10 82
Sombra Pom Pom Quarterly, Issue 9: Summer 2014 May 2014 36 1349
Sparkler Hat Knit Now, Issue 60, May 2016 May 2016 6
Splish Splash Shawlette Elanor King's Ravelry Store October 2014 3 91
Undone Capelet Elanor King's Ravelry Store July 2014 1 31
Uppingham Hats Catchloops February 2013 2 9
Wildacres Catchloops March 2013 14 248