DROPS design
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
0-808 “Ocelot” Men's jumper DROPS Extra Men January 2012 19 368
0-809 Nordic Midnight DROPS Extra Men January 2012 160 2043
0-81 Dog Sweater DROPS Extra 68 1365
0-810 Men's hat with Norwegian pattern DROPS Extra Men January 2012 163 1702
0-811 / 47-20 Leifur Drops 47 January 2012 44 1271
0-812 Men's jumper with pattern and shawl collar DROPS Extra Men January 2012 28 666
0-814 Men's hat DROPS Extra Men January 2012 262 1899
0-815 Mittens in garter stitch DROPS Extra January 2012 1 62
0-816 Victoria Drops Extra Ladies January 2012 52 1317
0-817 Blue Mountain Drops Extra Ladies September 2012 31 684
0-818 Rover Hat DROPS Extra Men January 2012 60 283
0-818 Rover Scarf DROPS Extra Men January 2012 31 229
0-819 Rover Pullover DROPS Extra Men January 2012 50 1034
0-82 Crocheted hat Drops Design 2 2
0-820 Sweet Sensation DROPS Valentine February 2012 55 656
0-821 Cherry Bite DROPS Valentine February 2012 13 237
0-822 Spring Tide Drops Extra Ladies February 2012 6 210
0-823 Jacket Drops Extra Ladies February 2012 2 259
0-824 Fruit Domino Drops Extra Ladies February 2012 2 176
0-825 Sweet Emerald Drops Extra Ladies February 2012 3 360
0-826 Pastorale Flower Drops Extra Ladies January 2012 40
0-827 Sandrose Flower Drops Extra Ladies October 2012 72
0-828 Pot holders with domino pattern DROPS Extra Interior October 2012 20 268
0-829 Pot holders with domino pattern DROPS Extra Interior September 2012 15 178
0-83 Jacket in Inka with belt Drops Design 3 111