Debbie Bliss
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Teddy Bear All-in-One Debbie Bliss, Baby Cashmerino January 2002 127 708
Teddy Bear Coat Debbie Bliss, Number Six January 2003 13 81
Teddy Bear Hood, Mittens and Bootees Kids' Knits for Heads, Hands and Toes January 1992 66 400
Teddy Bear with Smock Toy Knits September 1995 29 16
Teddy Blanket Booties, Blankets & Bears: 20 Irresistible Hand Knits for Your Baby September 2009 90 505
Teddy in Dress Debbie Bliss, Nursery Knits September 1996 4 12
Teddy Rattle Debbie Bliss, Baby Cashmerino 3 January 2008 12 52
Teddy Slippers Booties, Blankets & Bears: 20 Irresistible Hand Knits for Your Baby August 2009 12 116
Tee Shaped Top Debbie Bliss, Milano August 2013 1 26
Tee Shirt Top Debbie Bliss, Juliet January 2014 8 287
Texture Pattern Cardigan with Bobbles Baby Knits: 32 Original designs for 0-3 year olds January 1988 42 92
Textured Cardigan with picot edge Debbie Bliss, Cotton Knits for All Seasons January 2002 10 92
Textured Sweater (Project #15) How to Knit January 1999 8 43
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Textured Tunic Debbie Bliss, Andes January 2010 3 7
The Calais Blanket Designer Yarns Ltd. Ravelry Store September 2016 253
The Fabulous Baker Bunnies Debbie Bliss Website January 2017 151
The Miss Rachel Knitting Needle Case Gawthorpe Textiles Collection Downloads February 2014 1 123
The Scarves - Moss Stitch Debbie Bliss, Riva January 2011 10 63
Thea Cardigan Debbie Bliss on LoveCrafts 2 263
Thea Tunic Debbie Bliss on LoveCrafts June 2021 1 149
Theresa Debbie Bliss, Junior Knits January 2004 20 78
Three Colour Cardigan Debbie Bliss on LoveCrafts February 2022 1 178
Three Coloured Sweater Debbie Bliss, Pure Bliss Collection: Falkland Aran July 2016 4 60
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throw with pockets Debbie Bliss, Baby Style: Home Accessories and Irresistible Knitwear Designs for 0-3 Year Olds November 2000 1 1
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Tie Belt Cardigan Debbie Bliss, Cashmerino DK January 2006 1 2