Debbie Bliss
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
IMG_1675 Small Teddy with Sweater and Wellingtons Toy Knits January 1995 111 45
no photo
Small Tweed Bear in Jacket Teddy Bears: Twenty-five Irresistible Designs for Knitted Bears August 1997 4 5
Smock Coat Debbie Bliss, Baby Cashmerino 3 January 2008 37 247
Smock Coat Debbie Bliss, Number One January 2001 1 8
Smock Coat Debbie Bliss, Simply Baby January 2006 143 1029
Smock Dress Design It, Knit It June 2009 17 90
Smock Dress Debbie Bliss, Essential Knits for Kids September 2008 51 249
Smock Dress and Shoes Debbie Bliss, Noro Collection January 2001 8 131
Smock Jacket Debbie Bliss, Celtic Knits March 2000 87 1349
Smock Jacket Jaeger Handknits JHM001, Debbie Bliss For Babies and Toddlers January 1998 1 64
Smock Jacket with Floral Panels Debbie Bliss, Family Knits: Over 25 Designs for Babies, Children and Adults January 1998 19 85
Smock with Sheep and Shoes Debbie Bliss, Nursery Knits October 1996 37 97
Smocked Cables Jacket Debbie Bliss, Out of Town January 2006 4 197
no photo
Snood Knits for You and Your Home: 30 Blissful Knits January 2013 1 1
Snood Debbie Bliss, Glen January 2010 75 363
DSC01980 Snowflake and Heart Baby Throw Debbie Bliss, Cotton Knits for All Seasons January 2002 23 81
Snowflake Bootees Debbie Bliss, Baby Style: Home Accessories and Irresistible Knitwear Designs for 0-3 Year Olds October 2000 15 76
Snowflake Cushions Debbie Bliss on LoveCrafts January 2010 32 529
Snowflake Dress Debbie Bliss on LoveCrafts January 1997 10 322
Snowflake Skirt Debbie Bliss, Baby Style: Home Accessories and Irresistible Knitwear Designs for 0-3 Year Olds January 2000 4 32
Socks with Cables Debbie Bliss, Simple Living January 2004 32 33
Socks with Cables Debbie Bliss, Home: 26 Hand Knits For Living October 2005 67 94
Socks with Contrast Stripe Debbie Bliss, Easy Knits: Over 25 Simple Designs for Babies, Children, Adults January 2002 9 74
Sofia Debbie Bliss, Pure Cotton / Stella January 2007 21 129
Soho Design One Debbie Bliss, Soho Design 1 2 13